Let’s get you prepared for ATP Cycle 4!

In a few short months, the California Transportation Commission will issue the call for Active Transportation Program (ATP) projects. ATP funds are key to creating healthy, safe, and equitable communities. Through new legislation, funding for ATP is at an all-time high with over a quarter of a billion dollars annually dedicated to help advance walkable and bikeable communities. This will be the fourth round (or Cycle 4) of ATP funding, and with nearly $1 billion on the table, we are expecting a whole host of significant changes to the program, including different applications based on project size and scope and more intensive evaluator training.  

Join us as we host a webinar on 3/13 to share vital information on changes to the program and insights to ensure that your city or organization is competitive in the process. Whether you’ve been successful in previous cycles or not, you don’t want to miss this webinar—register here!