Our Impact



  • Secured Seed Funding for San Jose Pedestrian Master Plan: Our Walk San Jose program fought to secure $100,000 from the City of San Jose as seed funding to develop its first comprehensive Pedestrian Master Plan.


  • Updated Senior Safety Zone Standards: Cal Walks fought for updated signage and marking standards for reduced speed senior zones at the California Traffic Control Devices Committee (CTCDC). Our recommendations were adopted into Revision 3 to the 2014 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA-MUTCD) in March 2018.

  • Crosswalk Enhancements Set-Aside: Thanks to our tireless advocacy in the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) process, Cycle 9 of the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) included a $10 million set-aside for crosswalk enhancements.


  • $100 million annual increase to the Active Transportation Program: Over two years of negotiations, Cal Walks championed a $100 million increase to the Active Transportation Program, alongside a coalition of over 80 organizations, as part of the state’s massive transportation funding package (SV 1) focused on fixing our California’s streets, roads, and transit systems.

  • Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon for the Palisades Bowl Community: Following our recommendations to the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) Task Force in 2015, Caltrans installed a pedestrian hybrid beacon at the entrance to the Palisades Bowl Mobile Home Community.


  • $10 million one-time increase to the Active Transportation Program: With our partners at Cal Bike, we championed a one-time allocation of $10 million to the Active Transportation Program from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.



  • Creation of the Active Transportation Program (ATP): Cal Walks was at the table to negotiate the establishment of the ATP. We fought to ensure that pedestrian facilities and needs would be a core part of the Program’s purposes and championed the inclusion of statutory public health and social equity goals into the Program, including a minimum funding guarantee of 25% to go to disadvantaged communities.

  • AB 707 (Ting): We co-sponsored AB 707 alongside the California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA) to remove barriers to implement reduced speed senior safety zones near senior centers and living facilities.

  • San Jose Citywide Signal Retiming: Through our Walk San Jose efforts, the City of San Jose committed to evaluating and re-timing signals near 13 community centers, 43 senior housing sites, 256 schools to provide youth and seniors with more time to cross the street.